The Priory is dependent for its existence on the generosity of our friends and congregation. We receive no support from any other source, there being no fees of any kind for instruction, or participation in Priory activities. Your gifts of support, whether financial, material, labor, or of any other kind, are deeply appreciated, and would assist the Priory in continuing to offer the Dharma in South Carolina.

We would be grateful for any offerings that you make, and there are many ways to make them. Your greatest offering is simply your continued presence and practice. We have begging bowls at various locations in the Priory where you may leave monetary donations, or you are welcome to just send us your offering (see Monetary Donations for more information). You may wish to offer support by participating in filling the Alms Bowl ‘shopping list.’ To find information about it, click on Congregation in the menu bar. Give us a call for the password to access that portion of our site—if you have done an orientation, you received it at that time. Another way is through participation in our workdays—see Workdays on the Congregation page. We are also grateful for help at other times. You are always welcome to simply ask if anything is needed.

We encourage you to make offerings. Doing so is a Buddhist tradition and teaching, from the time of Shakyamuni, and it provides an opportunity to begin to experience the deep benefit that generosity has on one’s practice. An offering need not be large — a dollar or two, if that is all you can afford, would be fine, especially if offered regularly. And as your practice develops, it is good to look to see if it is good to do more. We are always happy to talk about this or any other aspect of your practice.

A detailed statement of  income and expenditures for the Priory is available. One may be posted on our bulletin board. Please ask if you wish to receive a copy.

For more information on the practice and benefit of dana (generosity) please see CZBP Newsletter #26, On Generosity II. The article starts on the second page of that newsletter.

For another perspective on generosity—through the lens of help around the Priory—see CZBP Newsletter #6, On Generosity.